The Ziegler Coastal Ecology and Conservation Lab examines the linkages between aquatic habitats, fish and invertebrate communities, and fisheries production. We are especially interested in how spatial variation, environmental processes, and human activities alter these relationships. Our goal is to conduct ecological research that can be applied to enhance the conservation, restoration, and management of estuarine and coastal ecosystems.

Collaborators on the NERR Oyster Catalyst Grant collecting a fyke net on an oyster reef at the Sapelo Island National Estuarine Research Reserve. October 2023.
DEI statement:
We believe that equitable, diverse, and inclusive workplaces and communities enhance the pursuit of knowledge, foster creativity, and amplify success across all parts of life. We are committed to grounding ourselves in and furthering our anti-racism education in order to transform and liberate all learning environments, academic and research communities we are a part of to be inclusive and equitable for Black and non-Black people of color, people of all abilities, gender identities, and sexual orientations.